All this talk of ‘up-coming’ news without the news. Call it laziness or suspense, please be assured that things will be coming this way soon. Perhaps there is too much to catch up on now from the previous weeks. Thus, I’ll just hit some of the highlights before getting further into details. This nice weather has me anxious to profiter & meander the streets of beloved ole Par-ee, which has really put a damper on this cafe review

Things to Look Forward Too :

  1. The disappearance of all men aka still Sex(less) in the City
  2. Retro markets, galleries & drinks that led to drunk quite early
  3. New hobbies
  4. Momentary tweak-out about the popularity (give or take depending on your definition) of this blog.
  5. Attempts at being healthy once again
  6. New favorite professors & most of their quotes
  7. Home alone & moping (not in a depressive way, so don’t get that in your head)
  8. The poor years
  9. Attempts at adulthood &/or responsible living
  10. Past & present concerts.
  11. Drunk online videos & rejections from bars
  12. The domain will be changing this Sunday. Keep yourself posted.

So with that, enjoy Beach House (with the concert less than a mere two weeks away)